Test Email-Connector ( I need free SMTP tool to test Email-connector configuration)

I could test email-connector by using gmail account but now I can’t and is there any option to test it like Gmail. I need to test because I need to understand where the problem is. Is the problem about mendix module of configuration or about SMTP server because I get only connection time out error.  
2 answers

You used to be able to use Gmail, but now you can't. What do you mean by this? I didn't understand the first part of your query.

If this indicates that it was previously working and has now stopped without any changes, check it using a different network. It's possible that your network is preventing access to the Gmail servers.


However, for testing purpose you can use Papercut which supports SMTP (send email). refer the documentation for more details


Hi Adnan Avsar,

The email connector works well with the gmail account. For more information you can refer below documentation for the details.



For testing purpose you can use smtp diag tool also. Refer below link for details


