Adding On Click event to Pie Charts Specific Slices
Hello everyone, I’m working on the pie chart widget and want to create a functionality such that a specific page will be shown to the user based on which slice of the pie chart they click on. Widget has an “Events” section but I’ve noticed that a microflow/nanoflow called by this On Click event doesn’t take any parameter/info regarding which slice is clicked on, so I’d guess what I’m trying to do is not possible, however, we can adjust hover actions based on the mouse icon’s placement. So the functionality to detect and individually identify the slices of the pie is definitely there. So my question is, is the thing I’m trying to do possible? If so, how may I do it? Thanks in advance.
İhsan Gül
2 answers
Did you got the answer
Mohammed Azam Varapakula Shaik
Hi Ihsan,
Try using Any chart widget and make of on-Click events, there will parameter passed to the Microflow, we have handled similar scenarios in the past.