Mendix License Question

Hello Mendix Community. I am brand new to Mendix and I’m trying to figure out if this will fit my company requirements. I have the following questions: Can I develop an app with Mendix locally on a docker container? Am I independent of the Mendix license plan if I run the application locally in-house? How complex is integration to a REST service and databases and how complicated is it to integrate interfaces or functions if they are not available as a pre-built building block in Mendix? Thank you in advance
2 answers

1 Yes, but there is no advantage in that.

2 No, got to pay the license fee anyway.

3 Easy. Mendix has good  tooling for rest, soap and odata. As well as modules to connect to databases (if you really need that)





although running on-premise may look attractive at the you would be advised to evaluate the impact on the deployment process. It is substantially more complex and time consuming than deployment to the Mx cloud. The financial business case may not stack up once you factor in the additional man hours required for each deploy.

As I understand it, organisations choose on-premise mostly for security reasons / internal architecture requirements rather than as a cost saving measure.  
