SearchFields of grid2 reset after opening and closing page and returning to page with grid2.
I have a grid2 set up which will open a new page when clicking on a line. When closing the new page en getting back to grid2 all searchfield are empty again. So I need to fill in al searchfields again what is quite anoying. Maybe I'm asking a very stupid question but I'm out of options for now. I also have a feeling it worked prior updating to a newer version of Mendix Studio. We are now on 9.24.4. Maybe somebody could push me in the right direction.
Mark de Goeij
2 answers
Hi Mark,
When you close a page make sure the button event action is “close page” not the “cancel changes”. As the close page action rollbacks the data.
Arunachalam Sekaran
Hi I made sure it was doing a close page action instead off cancel changes. So that's not the issue.