Can the Jetty embedded in the Mendix Runtime be replaced with other commercial application servers?

Hi, All Can the Jetty embedded in the Mendix Runtime be replaced with other commercial application servers?   I found an impressive article below. It explains that the Mendix runtime is an application server not hosted by the Jetty server but uses the Jetty library for HTTP service. I know the HTTP static content could be serviced by external WAS such as WebLogic or NGINx. Even with that configuration, Jetty is still working embedded in the Mendix runtime rather than replaced by it because the Mendix runtime uses Jetty as an HTTP service and is leveraging some handy functions, such as thread pool service. So I cannot replace the Jetty with others, am I correct?   I am concerned that Jetty’s capability could restrict the Mendix runtime’s HTTP performance regarding HTTP session management. If so, can I overcome it with a cluster environment, like deploying Mendix runtime as a container on Kubernetes?    Thank you in advance.      
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