Mendix Certification Issue - I have already completed both Rapid and Intermediate certification but cant able to write Advance Certification, it asks to write both rapid and intermediate again.

Hi Community,       I'm facing an issue which  I have already completed both Rapid and Intermediate certifications. When I'm trying to write advance certification in Certifications sections it shows a message like "You haven't obtained Intermediate Certificate yet." also   I checked while clicking on intermediate certification it shows a message like "You haven't obtained Rapid Certificate yet." But, while clicking on My Certificates and My Registrations section, it shows the certificates which I have completed. Please help me out on this issue. Is there is a way to recover this issue?
2 answers

Hi there,


Best thing you can do is to sent over an email to They will make sure to get this sorted for you.


Good luck with your upcoming exam!


Thanks for the update Martijn Muskens, I sent an mail to From their side, there is no response. So, I created a ticket to the support team with high priority. They resolved the issue within a day. Thank you
