Error when signing in

Hello   my colleague is trying to open an imported app package in Studio pro 10 and when directed to web sign-in gets the following error message. Has anyone else encountered this:   "Could not load file or assembly 'jose-jwt, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified".     
2 answers

Forgot about the exact details, but I remember one occasion where I ran into an issue related to a Citrix environment and some strict settings for the webbrowser that caused a local redirect to fail. For the web sign in we had to link to another browser. Like I said, I don't know if it was Firefox causing the issue and Chrome providing the workaround or vice versa, but you could give it a shot.


Thanks. I could not find any 1:1 correspondence to any cases in history so all hints are welcome :)
