POST https://ourwebapp/XAS - 500 (Internal Server error) / APMBrowserAgent.js...

Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help.   We have an on-premises application. It's running 2 apps as the front end for the users, with a load balancer sat in front. We have a 3rd version of the app running as an integration layer. This is the same app as the two web/front end apps but it exposes all the APIs that other resources use to communicate with our app. All point to the same db.   Users have started to report issues when using the application. It's showing a customised client error message asking the users to contact the support team. This means there are no application logs and I am having to ask some friendly internal users to send me screenshots of the errors when they occur.   I have a few that show an error message along the lines of: > POST 500 (Internal Server Error) APMBrowserAgent.js?n.....   I am scratching my head a little bit as to why these issues have started to occur as APM has been on this app for a while, but is the issue with APM or something else?   From what I have seen from other posts regarding similar issues, people have suggested it's the XAS rewrite method on IIS that is incorrect but this setup has not changed for a long time.   With the way that APM is setup on this on-premises app, I don't know if I can just disable it and see if that improves anything or if I'd need to delete the widget from the application.    Am I looking in the wrong direction with APM and this is an IIS/XAS rewrite issue? I've seen something along the lines of timeouts in IIS as well that could cause problems but I am not too sure what/where this is set?
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