Is it possible to create a self made widget and publish it to the market place?

Is it possible to create a self made widget and publish it to the market place? Then everyone else can use that widget. In the documentation, I can only see the solution and connectors. How about the widget. Can we build one and share it on the market place?
1 answers

Yes it's possible, the details are in the link "Sharing Marketplace Content".


There are a few guidelines for widgets in the documentation that you must follow for it to be accepted for inclusion.


To develop widgets and submit them to Marketplace, follow these guidelines:

  • The widget should be pluggable
  • When writing variable and function names, use lowerCamelCase (for example, mySecondVariable)
  • Add code comments
  • Use descriptive variable and function names in both XML and JavaScript
  • A function should not be more than 200 lines of code
  • A function should only do one thing, and it should do it properly
  • Use hooks and functional components over class components
  • Create test pages for mobile when content is made for mobile platforms


Good luck!
