How to: Calling Nanoflow B from Nanoflow A, opening a popup window in Nanoflow B, and continuing with the logic of Nanoflow A after closing the popup upon clicking the OK button.

calling nanoflow B, inside B nanoflow, it will popup a modal window, after user click button to close the window, how to come back and execute the rest of nanoflow A?
1 answers

Hi Ryan,

You will need to split the logic. 

Your first flow will end with opening a pop up page. You will have to make sure that this page contains the context (object) based on which you can create the rest of the flow.

Example: As a teacher, I want to assign homework to individuals in my class.

First action would be for the teacher to be able from a list of classes they teach during the week, to select one and create a homework object (linked to the class). In the same flow you open the page and the homework object will be the context of this pop up page. The first flow stops here.

In this pop up page, within the context of the homework, you can display a list of students for this class (can be retrieved via homework_class associations you set when creating the homework and from the class you go to the associated students). You allow the teacher to select one ore more students.

Now you have the ability to use the homework object and the selected student list as parameters for your next flow (triggered by clicking on a button), to eg create the individual assignments and/or link the students to the homework and final activity is close page.

