I m creating a app where device list is present and showing the device status if device currenty in active mode status is online if device is not working and send to the service center cureent status is offline and again status get active this is a whole flow.currently i have to maintain history regarding device to track how many time device get offline.Below is my domain model screenshot plz help

  I m creating a app where device list is present and showing the device status if device is active and working mode status is online if device is not working and send to the service center current status is offline and again back from service center status get active this is a whole flow. currently I have to maintain history regarding device to track how many time device get offline .upper is my domain model screenshot plz help. thank for attention.
1 answers

Hello Hemali,

If I understand this correctly then every time a device goes into service you create a new History object and set an "offline" status on it. If this is the case then you just retrieve the list of History objects by association from the Device_List and use the count from the list aggregate.
