Parameter of selected microflow does not match available arguments. No arguments are available to listView

Hello, I have problem with parameter. I use it for multi selection of datagrid 2. I want to generate the same list as the main list, but only with selected rows. How can I do it?  
2 answers

Hi Igor,


I am not totally sure what you want to do.


Retrieving a list as input for the microflow is fine, but you cannot use a list as a page parameter for the Show Page action. So, what do you want to achieve with the multiple selection of the datagrid2?


If you want to show the selection on a certain page, you need to create a Non-Persistable Entity and relate all the selected Shipments to this new NPE entity.

Then you can give the Non-Persistable Entity to the page as the Page parameter and retrieve on the page through assocation the selected Shipments.


Best Regards,



Hi Peter, thanks for response. Your describe works.
