Accessing a deeplink in case of SSO

Hi, I have implemented a deeplink that sends application url via mail. When user clicks on the link, he is forced to login however Single sign on is implemented in the application. Once logged in, it is redirecting to the correct page, but how can we prevent login and redirect directly through SSO
3 answers

Hi Snuhi, 


In deep link configuration, there is a checkbox available where we can restrict the user to view the login page. 


Checkbox is available in advanced tab of configuration page. 

the label of the check box do not force the login


Hey Snuhi,


Please refer this article for troubleshooting -


Thanks & Regards,

Naman Khard


To prevent direct login and redirection via SSO when using deeplink, you can implement an authorization check mechanism before redirection. When opening deeplink, first check if the user is authorized in your application. If yes, then you can continue redirecting to the desired page. Otherwise, prompt the user to authorize or sign in to the application, and then redirect via SSO.
