Going Mobile Assignment: Im getting errors when configuring the ACT_TrainingEvent_ShowLocation and ACT_TrainingEvent_Share nanoflows, I dont know what am I doing wrong. The errors are: error(s) in expression.

    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. How do I write expressions?     The instruction said: Now it’s time to configure your share nanoflow! Open it up and add a Share activity and configure it as follows: Set Url to ‘https://academy.mendix.com/link/path/31/Become-a-Rapid-Developer/{Id}’ Don’t forget the single quotes! This turns the text into a String attribute. Set the Text to ‘Check out the offerings of Mendix Academy’ Set the Title to ‘Mendix Academy’ Set Use return value to No. Attached are images that show my errors, please check the images and tell me what am I doing wrong. I'm on Mendix Studio Pro 10.9.0  
1 answers

The problem relies on the single quotes:


Your version:         ‘Check out the offerings of Mendix Academy’

How it should be: 'Check out the offerings of Mendix Academy'


So, replace ‘ with ' for every expression.
