How to add delay to the task queue microflow which is running in the loop

I have 5 files that I want to upload . i iterator over 5 files and in the loop I am calling a microflows that runs in task queues. I want to ensure that unless the first task queue is processed completely it should not iterate further. I added delay java action in the loop and it didn't work for me.  Could you please guide me on this . Thanks in advance. 
2 answers

You can add a flag in a singuler entity /in configuration that microflow is running and if its true u can close the task queue microflow without further processing.


singuler entity or configuration part: create an persistent entity with boolean task queue use a getOr create microflow and check for flag 


when task queue microflow starts set it to true and in the end set it to false


You could save succes/failed in some boolean attribute in an object that you retrieve in your queued microflow before executing.

Or put only one file in the queue instead of all of them in the loop. If the queued microflow is successful, at the end of it you could retrieve and queue the next file.
