How to invoke a trigger event within a microflow??
Hello I'm a user who's studying Mendix. When the button is clicked, the microflow is called, I want to make trigger events work in the called microflow. It's a simple domain model. In the pop-up screen, event name and event date are the contents of the mail. I would like to select a date on the send date and press the save button to have the email sent on the selected date. Microflow content called when the save button is clicked. 1. Compare the send date with the current date and make sure that the transmission is made when the date is the same. 2. The value of the send date is passed to the trigger event to generate a new trigger event. I think we can solve it this way (or if not, please let me know how) What should I add? Please help me... Thank you.
yubi Lee
1 answers
You will need to use a Scheduled Event to call the microflow that looks for emails to trigger "1" in your list.
The scheduled even can be configured to run daily or at a frequency that makes sense for your use case.