The results of intermediate retrieving from the data source micro flow are stored in the client memory.

Currently my microflow handles it like this: 1. Retrieving and storing target data by category from the database. 2. Range with ListOperation just enough to show the saved data on the screen and return. 3. When loading on the screen, the Retrive result in 1 above is stored in memory, causing slow loading.   I want 2 to send to the client only the data that needs to be shown on the screen.
3 answers

Hi Kim,


If I understand it correctly, you currently developed a microflow that first retrieves all records, and next slice a range from it to return. Maybe you could directly use the Offset and Limit parameters in the retrieve from database activity? Or if you have a retrieve over association, change that into a retrieve from database which is linked to your category such that you can set the custom range settings? This should limit the number of records retrieved from database and improve the performance.


Hopefully this helps!


Kind regards,




Database search for search conditions

[KnowledgePost.KnowledgePost_Category = $Category]

[State = $StatusSubmit]


List operation


front end load time


Backend processin time



I found out why the front side has a large capacity.The information in the response is as follows.

{"changes": {"132574714032505489": {"PreviewContent": {"value": ""},"changedDate": {"hash": "QCtEiNT1eCeqBX6Qht4fs7gUgXWHeH3PSXVa8IK4ADo=","value": 1717505644988},"System.changedBy": {"hash": "Ckq+0G2ZkzoG6rwZvHj5VI86eeCSxWqwFMriuUjO0pw=","value": "33214047251985614"}},(continue probably displays as many as retrieved)"commits": ["137922738588239166"],"committedObjectsOmitted": false,"deletes": [],"extraGuids": [],"hasMoreItems": false,"newpersistable": [],"objects": [{"objectType": "KnowledgePost.KwPageHelper","guid": "137922738588239166",(continue probably displays the number of retrieved)"partialObjects": [],"resets": {},"resultGuids": ["132574714032494827","132574714032494859","132574714032495018", "132574714032495205","132574714032495348","132574714032495430","132574714032495536","132574714032495701"]}(Actually displayed object count)

As shown above, in addition to the information actually displayed, the response contains a large amount of unnecessary changes and commit information in JSON format.

Is there a way to exclude change and commit information?

For reference, I am not refreshing Nanoflow or microflow.


I found out why the front side has a large capacity.The information in the response is as follows.

{"changes": {"132574714032505489": {"PreviewContent": {"value": ""},"changedDate": {"hash": "QCtEiNT1eCeqBX6Qht4fs7gUgXWHeH3PSXVa8IK4ADo=","value": 1717505644988},"System.changedBy": {"hash": "Ckq+0G2ZkzoG6rwZvHj5VI86eeCSxWqwFMriuUjO0pw=","value": "33214047251985614"}},

(continue probably displays as many as retrieved)

"commits": ["137922738588239166"],"committedObjectsOmitted": false,"deletes": [],"extraGuids": [],"hasMoreItems": false,"newpersistable": [],"objects": [{"objectType": "KnowledgePost.KwPageHelper","guid": "137922738588239166",

(continue probably displays the number of retrieved)

"partialObjects": [],"resets": {},"resultGuids": ["132574714032494827","132574714032494859","132574714032495018", "132574714032495205","132574714032495348","132574714032495430","132574714032495536","132574714032495701"]}

(Actually displayed object)

As shown above, in addition to the information actually displayed, the response contains a large amount of unnecessary changes and commit information in JSON format.

Is there a way to exclude change and commit information?

For reference, I am not refreshing Nanoflow or microflow.
