How to create a non-blocking popup page?

It sounds strange, I searched for the similar topics for modal popup and popup. As I understund with common sense, modal popup is blocking, popup is non-blocking. But all my popup pages, no matter of modal and not modal, are all blocking. That means, I am not able to get the background to open another popup pages. Whats wrong I did here? Even I created my own layout with popup, not modal, but it is still blocking, I am not able to get the background page without closing the popup page. How to get a non-blocking page in mendix?
2 answers

Hi Wenrong, did you also select your non-modal popup layout for your page?




Thanks a lot for the answer. I did specify the type as pop-up, not modal pop-up. Now, i found out that the cascaded pop-ups are not modal to each other, but they are modal to their parent page which is of type Responsive of Atlas-Core layout. Cascaded pop-ups means the pop-up is triggered by another pop-up. Those pop-ups are not modal to each other, but they are all modal to the base page that is not pop-up. Is that true?
