ERROR while restarting the application - After updating the SAML module

Hi All ,   I have upgraded my SAML module to 3.6.9 version and then I tried to deploy my package to acceptance environment . I am encountering issue , while restarting the application . Please find below the error :   12:15:27 PMAPPERROREncryption: Error while encrypting string: Java action was not implemented 12:15:27 PMAPPERRORCore: An exception occurred while running the after-startup-action. 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOcom.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Java action was not implemented 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOat Encryption.Encrypt (Error : '') 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOat SAML20.MigrateIDPEncrptionSetting (SubMicroflow : 'Encrypt') 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOat SAML20.MigrateKeyStoreData.nested.887b7fa3-5f3b-4c0b-816d-86275994b01f [0 of 2] (SubMicroflow : 'MigrateIDPEncrptionSetting') 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOat SAML20.MigrateKeyStoreData (ListLoop : '') 12:15:27 PMAPPINFOat SAML20.Startup (SubMicroflow : 'MigrateKeyStoreData')   I would appreciate it if someone could please help me in solving this issue....Thanks in Advance .
1 answers

Hi Apurva,


For SAML module version 3.5.0 and newer, the encryption module is required.  If you do not have the Encryption module installed you will need to install it from the marketplace. You will also need to set the EncryptionKey constant to a 32 character key.  The EncryptionPrefix constant should be set to {AES3}.


It may also be the case that you have some out dated JAR files in your userlib folder. The Encryption module marketplace overview page has some details on what to look for and remove.

Mendix Marketplace - Encryption


