How to import an excel file from a folder (path)?

I require assistance in accessing and handling data from an Excel file situated in a designated folder. I've determined that I can accomplish this via the Excel Importer; however, I encounter an issue: I aim to automate the process, as demonstrated in documentation and tutorials, they load the Excel file manually. Instead, I wish for my Mendix application to retrieve the file autonomously based on the file path. Alternatively, if there exists another component that could facilitate this, kindly share it with me.
1 answers

Your Mendix application won't have access to files on a user's computer to do this unless they have something like an SFTP server installed on their computer, and their computer is visible on the network to your application.


If they do have an SFTP server, you can use the SFTP module in the Mendix Marketplace to retrieve remote files.


I hope this helps, and gives you some pointers on how to proceed.


Good luck!
