How to put a drop down list into a dataGrid widget?

Hi Community: I have a requirement here to list all the suppliers info from factory (dataset A or table A)  , and then for each row user can pick up a supplier  from company side (dataset B or table B) ,and after they click the "SAVE" button, the company supplier value can be updated to the Table A (sonos supplier guid column)   since the datagrid widget can only work under ONE object list, I can not bind another list for this dropdown widget which in this datagrid, any workaround can make it happen?  
2 answers

Hello Bruce,

If you convert this column to custom content and insert a reference selector, it will give you the desired result. (I assume there is a 1-* association)





Hey Bruce,


If I understand correctly you want a list of associated object per (object)row?

You can do that by adding a colomn with custom content and put a listview there filled with the necessary data source.


Hope this is what you searched!

