Dynamic Multiplication configuration

Hi! I am creating a system where Value Z = Value A + Value B1 + Value B2 + (Value C1 * Value C2 * ...). Here’s the challenge: I am not setting a specific number of Value C inputs. The number of Value C inputs will depend on how many the user chooses. Regardless, all the Value C inputs will be multiplied together.     My microflow currently looks like this. What changed should I make?  
1 answers

Hi  Nur Fadhilah

You can't multiply a list like this. You need to give it a value. From IteratorTagValueC, multiply the C value, also change varaiable inside "ValueCpRODUCT =" no need


$ValueCProduct * IteratorTagValue/C(Attribute)


If you have a value to be filtered in the filter, you should do it outside the loop and then return the filtered one.
