Consuming a REST API With POST Method

Kindly assist, I have been trying to consume a rest API that uses a POST method on Mendix, I've followed all the documentation, but I can't seem to fix this error.    
3 answers

Go to the mapping. You've set a parameter at the top. This way, you can put in an existing object and have it changed by the mapping. If you don't want that, remove the parameter and let the mapping create the object(s) and return it/them.

If you want to keep the parameter, fetch or create the object first in the microflow and use it as the mapping parameter.


Hi Esther Oke,

                      Set the parameter as you passed in the microflow. If you not passed the parameter in the microflow .create the object or list and use it as parameter


Thank you  Pragadeeswaran SivakumarMartin Koelewijn


Now, however, I am having I am having this error when I make the API call.

