Mendix UI Issue when fetching data through Microflow for ListView

I have an issue with the ListView widget where on adding new rows to it through UI Button click and calling a Microflow in the background and displaying the data in the ListView through association, the latest added row in the bottom is not visible fully loaded with data which was done in the Microflow before.    We have changed the ListView with DataGrid2 and we faced similar issues over there.Also about the XAS request, we wrote Logs in the Microflow in the beginning and end of the Microflow to see the completion is happening and if any delays. But we see that the logs are written fine for start and end with 6ms - 40ms time range when the issue is occurring in the UI.So I would say that there is no slowness to Microflow can cause this.   Finally, I want to add that we can see that when the issue is occurring if we are doing any of the below workaround steps the issue is immediately corrected in the same UI.1.Click on F12 twice.2.Upon clicking Ctrl + or Ctrl - , it is working. (working in all cases)3.Upon clicking F11, it is working (F11 helps to make full screen) So definitely it is not a data issue but more of a UI loading issue due to any reasons I suspect.    Please help me to identify to root cause for the same. I am attaching screenshot of the issue. Thank you in advance.
1 answers

It's quite unusual behaviour as part of the data is loading. Usually if there are issues with displaying data in the UI it's part of the following:

- Access rules are in some way restrictive to the data you are allowed to see. But since you do see the data after rerendering the UI it is unlikely to be that.

- The object is created in a microflow, which runs server side, and is not sent to the client.

- You might have a dataview in the listview that fetches an associated object, possibly giving you the partial data. I don't know since I can't see the domain model


You mention that the microflow runs in the background. This might cause issues since you are trying to display the data in the client, and a microflow running in the background will not interact with the client
