Wouter van Maasakker - RWSMay 24, 2017 09:40
Hi there,
For statistics reasons we need to be able to get the AQM quality metrics. It would be great to have a published service which can be used to extract the data.
Most important are the system properties, the rating changes and chances since last run.
Niels TrotsenburgMay 24, 2017 12:33
Hi Wouter,Kind regards,
Niels Trotsenburg
Mendix Support Engineer
Nilco BovenYesterday at 15:45
Hi Wouter,
We have discussed this with the product owner for AQM. We consider this an interesting feature request, but it is not on the current roadmap.
We would like to invite you to post this idea on the the IdeaForum on mxforum.mendix.com for visibility. Every quarter all our customers can bring in feature requests, which can be enriched and voted on by others. Based on this feedback we determine which features have most value according to our customers and will be implemented.
The ideaforum can be found at https://community.mendix.com/link/ideas/
Besides this I will involve your CSM, Marc van Broekhoven to see if we can set up a call to discuss your requirement in more detail with the product owner as he was definitely interested in hearing more about this from your perspective.
I will close this request now, but if you have any other questions, please let us know.
Thank you, Nilco