TC Connector add new attributes for EPM Task

Hello, I am using TC Connector with Mendix Studio Pro 8.6.3. I want to add some attributes to EPMTask. - I created my own module - In Domain Model I defined a new entity EPMTask derived from TcConnector.EPMTask - In the new entity I added the new attributes with the same name as in BMIDE (e.g. task_state) - I defined a microflow FindUserTasks - A page is displayed ShowInboxList: if the object of type TaskInbox is found, the page is displayed with the button Open Inbox - When the button Open Inbox is clicked, the page ShowTaskList is displayed If I use the entity TcConnector.EPMTask, it works properly and the tasks are displayed properly If I use the derived entity with the new properties, no tasks are displayed   If I add the new attributes directly in TcConnector.EPMTask and I use the entity TcConnector.EPMTask, it works. But I don’t want to modify TcConnector. I want to make my enhancements in my own module. I would like to know what I did wrong.            
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