Error there is no SAP cloud connector connected to your subaccount

Is there anyone who has experience with SAPOdataconnector? We have an issue since last week (it worked perfectly before), that no orders are sent to SAP from the webshops (all Mendix apps).  I found this in the logging: "Error type : sapodataconnector.utils.ODataResponseException Message :GET|Response code: 503, Response text: There is no SAP Cloud Connector (SCC) connected to your subaccount. Requested opening of a tunnel for subaccount "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" and SCC location ID, with default value, that is empty string or simply not configured. Check the configuration on SCC and cloud side."  And I suspect it has something to do with this: "INFO - ODataConnector: Proxy token refreshed. Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.... Expires in 43199." But I don't know how and where to fix this. I cannot imagine I have to update the value somewhere in the modeler every time it refreshes.
2 answers

This is not an error in your Mendix apps, but in the SAP-side of the connector. If you get a response code 503 than something went wrong on the server you called, being the SAP server. So contact your SAP contact or raise a ticket in their system.


Hi Tim, you are probably right in this. It must be on the SAP side.  I advised the customer to raise a ticket with their SAP provider. We will wait and see what the result shall be. Thanks very much for your feedback.
