Unable to call microflow using Deeplink url for Reset Password

Hello Everyone , i am using Forget Password module to reset a new password for the user ,once User click forget password in login page it will navigate a page where user Enters his registered Email.after that user will receive mail as link (i am using Deeplink for this ) which navigates to a page where new password  will enter and save ,But insted of that when user click the link in email it showing page not found .i have configured a microflow  in deepling configuration. i have checked it by using break point in deeplink microflow but still it is not hitting ,any idea why it was not calling the microflow when user click Url in mail or any suggestions and solutions are  useful Error in console: 404 - file not found for file: link/ForgotPassword    
1 answers

Hi Guru,

Did you add ‘StartDeeplink’ request handler to after start up microflow? This seems to be some configuration issue and similar to the one mentioned in this forum post https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/89876. Did you had a look at this forum post?


Hope this helps!
