Hi all, We're currently replacing a portal in which customers can find articles, details and documents. Some clients are using an Open Catalog Interface (OCI) to access the portal from within their SAP environment. Within SAP the user has a screen where the portal is loaded, after which the user is automatically logged in, then the user can create a shopping cart which he/she can import directly into SAP with the push of a button, after which the actual order can be created directly. Is there anyone within the community that has experience with implementing an SAP Open Catalog Interface using Mendix? https://help.sap.com/doc/e8cab65334e6b54ce10000000a174cb4/3.6/en-US/1dcfb65334e6b54ce10000000a174cb4.html https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/SRM/OCI+Documentation?preview=/395284636/395444883/OCI_50_EN20130121.pdf