Teamcenter Connector FMS URL and Error

Dear community, I’m trying to log in with Teamcenter Connector to get Teamcenter access. However, I am getting the error message “String index out of range: -1” as soon as I try to sign in.  I supposte that a problem might be the FMS URL that is set in the configuration –  here I am putting the Teamcenter Host Address. Can someone tell me more about the error message and about the input required for the FMS URL-field?   Kind regards, Adam
2 answers

I faced the same error before.

It was solved by adding the '/tc' at the end of the Teamcenter URL on the Teamcenter configuration page.


See this forum thread as well.


Please confirm the URL is accessible over the network and also add /tc at the end of TC URL on the config. Page.  
