Push Notification not being to save FCM configs in free cloud

Hi.   I am trying out push notification right now. I managed to see my phone being registered when I run the “Make it native” mobile app locally ( I didnt build yet).   I have read the documentations on Mendix push notification but I am currently facing problems. First of all, when I build the app to distribute, I used my free sandbox environment as the runtime URL. I also followed this link: https://medium.com/mendix/mendix-native-push-notification-practical-929951b59398, and it states that if I were to run the app locally, I wont be able to receive any receive as I would receive HTTP 403 error.    However, when I try to app the FCM configs in the cloud environment, it gave me an error. May I know how do I tackle this issue please? I heard that its because of the security key? I configured my key value to be the same as the one in the tutorial, however I am not sure what is the actual value I should put in. May I please receive some help for push notification? I am really troubled by this.. I am using free mendix 8 and I am not planning to publish the native app to the appstore.   
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