Emails with Templates configuration

I’m trying to integrate email templates into my workflows, so that an email notification is sent to a user after a task has been complted. Following the guides and the video , I had some issues with viewing the snippets of Email with Templates and MxModel Reflection tabs after publishing and viewing the application as an Administrator. Can you please walk me though with what im doing wrong, I’ve attached a couple of screenshots that shows what is done on development and what is seen when the application is deployed.   Development: Emails with Templates     Development: MxModel Reflection     Administrator Role assigned to both Email module and MxModule Reflection:   Published Application
3 answers

Can you check if your administrator role has the correct roles assigned in the Email module and the MxModelReflection module?


Hi Ritesh, I hope you done all the configuration in Email Template and MX reflection. Can you Check the Project security user role under that module role> Administrator>Email Template Administrator is enabled ? and check mx model reflection and encryption as well.


I had to edit the Module roles of the Administrator User Role and add the Administrator role to each individual module’s Admin role. This fixed the issue.
