Renaming Attributes which are used in APIs Message Definition

Hi Community,   I’ve discovered  a strange behavior  of how Mendix 9.4. deals with renaming of attributes which are used in a message definition. After Renaming 6 attributes, the Error Tab is showing 200 errors “The selected attrbitute ‘Module.Entity.AttributeName’ no longer exisits. (Element Property “Attribute” of MessageDefiniton).   Usually there were another error in that List where you could simply right click and say refresh Message definition or so, which was solving all the bugs.   Manually refreshing the Message Definition is not solving anything. I’m not even sure, if the attributes are used in the API.   Does someone know how to deal with that? Thanks in advance!
1 answers

Hi Frederik

Can you re-select the entity that’s mapped to your message definition? I ran into the same issue importing a JSON-structure and Import Mapping from another project to a new one and simply had to re-select my entities again as well. So I had to run through the whole process of configuring again in order to get every error out of the way.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

