Opening a Docx file in MS Word on server

Hi, I am using the SFTPs module to access the sever over FTP connection. As you can see in the image below, there is a docx file which I would like to edit in MS Word. But, the moment I click on it, it gives me two options: either to download it (which I don’t want to) or to open it in Word. But when I edit this word file I am editing the file on the server but a copy of it in my system. Is it possible to edit it using MS Word? Thanks
1 answers

No this is not possible. The only way to do so would be to store links to sharepoint files in the microsoft cloud. Because those links can be opened in the browser and microsoft will update that sharepoint file. Your users would need to upload their changed documents again so to replace the word document file on the Mendix server.



