Outlook to Excel

  Hi, We need to move data from Outlook (flat text) to a Excel file. We are receiving hundreds of emails with information about deliveries and we want to track it in a excel file (delivery dates, items, etc,) any idea about how to do it with Mendix?   Thanks!!!  
2 answers

The way I would approach it is to use the Email Connector (Link) which lets you trigger logic based on incoming emails. Link to documentation


You can then extract the text and put its contents in an entity, which then you can export as an Excel.




Yes, the text follows a patron and always with the same format, is like a .txt that an automatic system copied and pasted, only change some numbers and names in specific locations, this is the information that we must trace and open four emails each time to take this information looks like a huge waste of time.


Thanks for your help.



