LDAP Login Issue Invalid username or Passwprd

I have added the LDAP Synchronization module to my application and changed security level to Prototype/demo. I am running the application locally.  I have ran "Test Connection" and received the "Connection established" message. I have also tried the "Test Authentication" and received the "Successful!" message.  However when I try to login to the application as the same user I did the "Test Authentication" with I get "The username or password you entered is incorrect". Logs : I could see, username details reading from LDAP and processing but it failed to login and it says “The username or Password invlaid" Chrome Console: “Failed to load the resource : the server respond with status of 401(Unathorized) Any idea on this?
1 answers

I am facing the exact same problem but with Studio Pro 9.24.3 and the new LDAP module (which is just called “LDAP”). Selva, would be great if you share your solution here.
