Strange request from CSV services module

Hi,   we've implemented the CSVservices module (latest version) in our app to perform some import & export tasks. This module creates a REST service of your entities which you can then call to read the tables to a CSV string. This was working fine untill the following error occured recently:   Error while retrieving specified objects: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Exception occurred in action '{"xpath":"//ModuleInterfacing.Entity[ID > 'ID_15199648742376756']","amount":10,"variables":{},"depth":2,"offset":0,"sort":{"ID":"Asc"},"lockType":"NoLocking","type":"RetrieveXPathAction","timeout":0}', all database changes executed by this action were rolled back looks like the prefix ID_ is added somehow. Strangely, this does not happen on all entities, only on a few. it does occur on multiple environments. I can't find how to fix this, of even where the issue is arising from.
1 answers

Fixed it!


When checking the javasource I found the following statement:

   String offsetXpath = xpath;

            if (lastId > 0) {

                offsetXpath += "[ID > 'ID_" + lastId + "']";



By changing this to:


   String offsetXpath = xpath;

            if (lastId > 0) {

                offsetXpath += "[ID > '" + lastId + "']";


the issue was resolved.


maybe this was introduced in the latest release? I will check with the developer of this module
