Exception While Getting Data from SAP

Error in execution of monitored action 'RegularClientAction' (execution id: 1674631366811-5, execution type: CLIENT).  NoClassDefFoundError occurred for class 'com/sap/conn/jco/ext/DestinationDataProvider'. Please make sure the userlib folder of  your project includes the correct library which contains this class.     Anyone about the Exception while getting the SAP data for testing purpose. and if know the please provide the solution to remove the above exception.
3 answers

Hi Gaurav Kumar,

Please go through the full StackTrace of exception, there you will find jar file in which DestinationDataProvider class not found.
The jar file it using might be not updated one and due to which it doesn’t find DestinationDataProvider class, so you need to go in userlib folder of your project directory and replace that jar file with latest version.

**Updated Answer with Jar file details :
I found jar file(com.sap.conn.jco.sapjco-3.0.15.jar) in which DestinationDataProvider class available, so please check this jar file available in your userlib folder or not.
If available and that is with lower version then replace that with below one. And also if not available put this jar file in userlib folder of project.
After placing this file in userlib foler synchronise app and run app locally.

Link to download jar file:-  https://jar-download.com/download-handling.php

Hope this helps you.

Thank you.



Hi As you said I added a screenshot. Please see that.



Dear You can see at line 42.

