Errors: System Management (EmailService Module)

I went through this document in Market Place ‘System Management Module’ I download all dependacies : SystemManagenent, community-commons, SmcServiceConnector,  SmcEmailService, OQL, EnvironmentVariables and NanoflowCommons. I am new in Mendix I don’t know how to solve these errors:     I solved the errors. Could someone explain to me why I am getting this on the browser and how to fix it? Cannot GET /index.html
2 answers

These errors occur because the modules you have downloaded have a dependency on the other modules ( In your Case pretty enumeration, SmcServiceConnector). Since the modules are not in your working copy you are getting these errors.


Hi Nada,


We have released a new version of the SystemManagement-module which is less dependent on other modules. Now it only needs:

- CommunityCommons, which you want/should-have anyway;
- Atlas_Core, which your app likely already has;
- Module OQL for the Object-count and datagathering for some graphs and OQL is fun to have anyway.


Also, this version has a better page for filedocument-management.

Also, to help you along in app-creation, we imported the latest of these version to marketplace module ‘Base-application’. It will give you a ready-to-go app including the SystemManagement-module and the modules it depends on. And lot more.
