Hi, Configuration of email connector is not possible in my application. Email connector is version 3.0.0 Encryption Module is version 8.0.4 When we want to add the email account, our password can’t be encrypted and is being returned as a plain string. We can see this in the application logs. Error message in email connector: 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, the user credentials were incorrect. [FR0P281CA0092.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2023-02-27T13:59:28.611Z 08DB184856E9CB86] I’ve deleted all the jar-files that aren’t necessary. we are using Mendix 9.18.0 Does someone have an idea what could fix this issue? Thanks
quinten couliez
1 answers
Hi Quinten,
a Workmate had the same Problem yesterday and he solved it with App → Clean Deployment Directory.