Teamcenter Activeworkspace Connection

Hello Everyone,   I am trying to connect to Teamcenter Activeworkspace using Teamcenter Connector Sample Application running on My Localhost. I am facing an error: “Failed to send the service operation Core-2011-06-Session/login. RuntimeException: Failed to get an HTTP response. Please ensure the Teamcenter server is running on the address https://<myTCHOSTNAME>:<myTCPORT>/tc.”   Normally, when i will connect to that Teamcenter Activeworkspace from my local laptop browser(say chrome) over http. I need to connect to an VPN. Then only i can access the Teamcenter Activeworkspace.   What can be the reason that i am not able to connect to Teamcenter from Mendix Teamcenter Connector Sample Application?  
1 answers

Active Workspace is a web client for Teamcenter. When you connect to Teamcenter using Active Workspace, you will access a URL and port through the browser which connects you to this web application. The Active Workspace application then connects from the web application server to Teamcenter using the 4-tier URL and FMS URL. These 2 URLs are accessible from the server where the Active Workspace web app is running, but may not be accessible to your Mendix app.

If they are accessible, make sure you get the right port numbers when you configure your Teamcenter connection for the Mendix connector. The URLs and port numbers you use here are NOT the Active Workspace URL and port. Your Mendix app does not connect to Active Workspace: it connects to Teamcenter itself.
