I want the documents get back to the Mendix Application after signing form the DocuSign
Hi Everyone, I integrated the Mendix application with DocuSign.I download the connector, configure the docuSign with Mendix and done all process to sent the document on mail and sign on them with Docusign. This all process is working fine. Now I am stuck with getting the signed documents back to my Mendix application. If anyone know how to get back all document after signing from the DocuSign, Please provide the steps and possible solution. Thanks in Advance !
Aditya Padyal
1 answers
Hi Aditya,
We implemented a process where we built a webhook listener(Published Rest Service) inside of mendix to listen to DocuSign signing events. Docusign has a webhook and you can build it based on many different events inside of docusign, including signing of envelopes. When a signing event occurs we recieve the message from Docusign and inside of our post message back to Docusign, we added the SUB_Envelope_ListDocuments and SUB_Envelope_GetEnvelopeDocument calls to retrieve the list of documents in the signed Envelope and then each individual document. Hope this helps