Excel Import Issue

Hey guys, I’m experiencing an issue with the excel importer. Essentially I create three different templates, using the same excel doc as a base. I don’t make any changes between the three templates, literally the same template. I use template number one to import some data, no problems. I use template number two to import some data, no problems. I use template number three to import some data, and it returns no rows. It doesn’t import anything. Mind you, in the above scenarios I’m using the same excel doc I used to generate the templates as my data to import. I get no errors in the logs, I get no errors in the console. We’ve installed excel importer multiple times to try and address this. I’ve ensured the userlib directory has no duplicates, excluding the required libraries from the exporter module. I’ve debugged the process in java for the successful and unsuccessful scenarios. The execution seems to be exactly the same. Here is a screenshot of the executions successfully completing for document 2 and 3. In the Statistics log for both import scenarios it says successfully created 17 objects, which is correct based on the document I’m importing. Any clues as to why this works the first two times, but fails silently the third time would be much appreciated!
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