SFTP module upload error

I got error when I upload file via SFTP connector.(https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/107256) If you know workaround, please let me know. Procedure Configure the sftp connection via admin snipets. Test connection (success) Explorer Put  Browse and choose binary file Upload → error occures. After this and I checked it uploaded successfully An error occurred while uploading file: UnsupportedOperation: This operation is currently unsupported. Details: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPException: UnsupportedOperation: This operation is currently unsupported. at SFTP.SFTP_Put (JavaAction : 'Put file') at {"name":"SFTP.Connect","type":"JavaAction"} at SFTP.IVK_Put (JavaAction : 'Upload file') Advanced stacktrace: at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(MicroflowUtil.java:83) Caused by: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPException: UnsupportedOperation: This operation is currently unsupported. at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(MicroflowUtil.java:83) Caused by: net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPException: UnsupportedOperation: This operation is currently unsupported. at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(MicroflowUtil.java:83) Caused by: UnsupportedOperation: This operation is currently unsupported. at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil.processException(MicroflowUtil.java:83)  
1 answers

Hi Masanori,


I have run into a similar issue before.  Make sure that you have the proper permissions on the FTP site to allow you to run put operations.  It is something that can typically be disallowed on a per user or per directory basis from the SFTP site admin and can cause a put operation to fail like this.

Hope this helps
