Sending Email Error(EmailService Module)

Hello, I get the same error while doing the email sending test locally. I need your advice on this matter. It seems to be okay with Logic, but it seems to be having issues with authorization and REST APIs. I summarized the problems of my app with screenshots.   - 1. Unable to register a new customer. I have debugged and found that there is an error in call REST (POST)     - 2. "Save and test" does not work, and the following error occurs.       - 3. Email transmission using microflow does not work for the following reasons.  
2 answers

The registration is your main problem. The rest is because of the missing registration.

Can you download the most recent versions of the SmcServiceConnector and SmcEmailService? And then try again? We will be releasing a new version of our services on friday, at the latest. Possibly a patch earlier this week.


Hi Wonjae, 

I used FakeSMTP to test my local emails, it's a local server, very easy to use.

Kind regaards,
