Forgot PW - Email Connector Incompatibility

Hi, I’ve used the email connector and forgot password module multiple times over the last months and just tried to use them again for a new app. However, it seems like the email connector got updated recently, but the Forgot PW module didn’t , rendering them incompatible on the SMTP settings page. I then tried to simple use an old email connector module package from an app that works, but this led to even more errors.   Does anyone know what’s going on with these modules? How can the two modules be linked again?  
2 answers

I tried it and it solved the problem for me. The configuration is in the snippet. There will be nothing missing. If i install an older version of email connector it works without errors and it looks completely the same. The forgot password configuration is an extra snippet you have to use.


Just go to ‘SMTPSettings’ Page and change the layout in the properties to Atlas_TopBar (Atlas_Core).
