How can we handle redirection with deeplink.

I have an App A in Mendix hosted in a cloud environment with domain name and App B hosted in another mendix cloud.   Now when I am going from App A to App B login page I want the URL to be   Now when I am going from App A to App B registration page I want the URL to be   I  am trying to use deeplink module here but not able to set it up so if there is any other way or if its is possible via deeplink how can we do it?
1 answers



 you can achieve the desired behavior of having custom URLs when navigating between different apps using the DeepLink module. The DeepLink module allows you to create custom URLs for specific pages or actions within your Mendix apps.


1. Set up DeepLink Module in App B (
   - Install the DeepLink module in App B by importing it from the Mendix App Store.
   - Once installed, go to the "Navigation" section in the App B modeler and click on "Deep links."
   - Create a new Deep link for the login page by specifying the URL path as "login" and set the target page as the login page in App B.
   - Create another Deep link for the registration page by specifying the URL path as "register" and set the target page as the registration page in App B.

2. Configure DeepLink Module in App A (
   - In App A, when you want to navigate to the login page in App B, construct the URL as follows: ``. You can use the "Open link in new window" action to open this URL in a new browser window or tab.

   - Similarly, when you want to navigate to the registration page in App B, construct the URL as follows: ``.

