OIDC- Configuration. ClientID and Client Secret

For my Mendix App, I want to enable SSO, so that the customer can login into the app with his business credentials. However, I am stuck at: Step 5 Configuration of OIDC Provider. I would guess the ClientID and Client Secret has to be provided from the customer side, correct? Is there any way to test this? How would I implement for example the SSO with the Siemens Credentials? Is there any experience with this? It would be really great to read some opinions here! Thanks!      
2 answers

You need to access Azure to get the client ID and generate a client secret. https://portal.azure.com

For the Siemens case, refer to https://wiki.siemens.com/display/en/Mendix+Introduction+-+Go+Make+It for many useful articles


Thank you so much Colin, I will have a look.
