Retrieving Custom Attributes from teamcenter to Mendix

I am trying to create an inspection management Mendix solution to retrieve the data from Teamcenter and build the app on top of it. I have downloaded the TC sample app along with the connector and built a basic application using the basic operation like searching the items and use those values in our application. This is our Datamodel in TC, We are cureently focusing on Physical Part & Parameter. I have created Domain Model entities in Mendix to represent Teamcenter Business objects like the folloing picture   I have also added one json File in the app directory for Operation mapping, like the following picture, I am not sure ,Is this the correct way to do the operation mapping? Also what will be the next proccesses of the microflow? And what will be the syntax of the bussiness object mapping of my custome attributes in the Call Teamcenter Service 
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