Mendix with Teamcenter

Hello, I am using the Teamcenter Connector Sample Application.Now I want to fetch some custom attributes from TC and some custom attributes related to it using custom relations. I have created entities and Associations same as teamcenter Objects. The following picture is my domain model representation of TC Business Objects. I have some doubts reagarding the process. 1.Do I need to Execute a seperate Search for my Custom Item Revision and show the details in another overview page or 'ItemRevision..' Search will work fine? 2. In the Bussiness Object mapping, of Teamcenter call service , Do I need to map the custom relation also (In my case 'A5_HasPart') ? Then how to specify BO maping for  Association?
1 answers

The "Item Revision..." query should work fine - test it first in Teamcenter to make sure.

Your business object mapping needs to be:



The A5_HasPart will be mapped for you because it is a relation property in Teamcenter with the same name
